Limiting yourself to writing what you’re ‘good’ at + 5 reasons to type something new

A lot of people just write what they’re best at.

Because it’s embarrassing and not that enjoyable to write what you’re not amazing at because the words don’t flow and it’s painful to read over your work without wincing in pain.

Yeah, I know the feeling.

But that doesn’t mean you should write things you are not naturally good at. There are so many reasons trying something new is good for your writer health. Here’s 5.


You get out of your comfort zone

Getting out of your comfort zone is AWESOME because well, it just is. Why limit yourself to just short stories, step out of that little zone you’ve made for yourself and take the world by storm. How can you take over the world, be successful, if you’re restricting yourself to just one country of the writing planet? No, you’ve got to try and conquer every land, every country and get a taste of everything.

You become more well-rounded

The best writers are well-rounded because they can do things ON THE SPOT, they’re prepared for so many situations and have way more bragging rights. Being well-rounded means you can enhance your writer skills and make more writer friends. Your writing will start becoming more advanced and you will be looked upon with a new respect.

You discover hidden talents

Maybe you think you suck at poetry or have just never tried it because it has no interest. And you do, and you realise it’s your new joy and dream. You are actually really good and that surprise and happiness is a feeling that I cannot describe. You also discover a whole new part to writing, you have never ventured into before – and it’s exciting to voyage there.

Your imagination & creativity widens

When trying something new, your brain is forced to work harder. It’s a challenge and you are determined to take it on. Whilst you are competing, your imagination is expanding and this means more ideas and eureka moments and an easier time when it comes to character names. You suddenly think of things you’ve never thought of before that is when your brain starts thinking in entirely new ways.

You get better at writing

As I have mentioned previously, typing something new, lets you get better at writing. And who DOESN’T want that? I mean firstly, there’s a higher chance of your books getting published and there’s the getting fat off compliments, and even getting recognised by role models.  Every writer’s goal is to improve and this is just one way you can achieve that dream.



So, where do I begin?

So those are just 5 reasons why you should write different genres, try out poetry, or just something to do with words you’ve never done before. And if you’re stuck with how to start, then The Writing Writers has got so many ideas. Write something with diverse characters, try black-out poetry, or do something even more exciting.

Well, Join The Typewriter Project.

Essentially, the project is for all word lovers. You don’t NEED to be an author, or have written a book, or have a typewriter – you just need words. I’m launching on my blog and there is still time to sign up and get your creative juices flowing. Found out how to enter, the prizes and all the information at the link above. I’ll see you there.



My Recent & Sudden Obsession With Poetry + A Poem – obviously


Poetry @ The Writing WritersHello, fellow Artists, Writers, Musicians, Bakers, Designers, YOU GET THE POINT!

Since this is a writing blog, I thought it’d be only right to talk about recent and sudden obsession with poetry.

I don’t know whether to call it my  ‘hobby’ or a failed attempt at something new or an ‘obsession’. I just keep on writing. I mean I normally write in my journal and I do a few short stories, and I’ve done a few poems here and there, but now once I start, I simply cannot stop!

I think it’s coming back to writing. You see, for a while, recently, I was just writing in my journal. I had finished my ‘creative writing’ journal so I had no place to write any of my creative outlets. Then, a week ago, I brought a writing/bullet journal and my ponderings began again. My pen and paper were back out and to see the sight of them together again was a relief and a shock – I hadn’t written one of my crazy pieces in so long, I didn’t think I ever would again.

But the lack of a place to write wasn’t the only thing stopping me from being creative. Maybe it was my blog, school, exams. I really don’t know but life had become so busy there was no space for my thoughts to be expressed. And now that the holidays have begun I couldn’t stop myself. I wrote and wrote.

And I’m still writing.

To help me get back into the artistic mood, I’m participating in National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo) in which you write a poem every day for the whole of April. I’ve done more than one a day, to be perfectly honest because I can’t stop myself – literally. You can participate in it too, with or without a blog. I haven’t uploaded them to my site yet, but I will a page dedicated to NaPo poems – it’s great fun!

And to get my creative juices flowing, even more, the magazine is coming up and I am super excited. I’ll probably enter a poem, because…well…I think you know!

So, since I’ve been so obsessed. I’m sharing a poem with you – I hope you enjoy! Though be warned, it’s pretty rubbish.


7 years bad luck
a mirror shattered
the reflection of you
split into so many pieces
as dangerous as you

a prickle
a reminder of the pain
are we just that?
a simple reflection in the mirror

the outside of the inside
of the most complex living thing in the universe
a million twists and turns of
incomprehensible thoughts

is that really all we are?
picture perfect images in a mirror
that one day break

into dangerous

So, do you write poetry? What’s one of your favourite poems? Are you obsessed with writing? Do you like my poem? (Wait, of course, you don’t) Are you participating In NaPoWriMo ?(gimme links!) Tell me your writerly obsessions – Is It Poems, short stories, novels, novellas?


The Fear Of Forgetting


FearForgetting @ The Writing WritersNo one wants to forget the good times. The endless summers, the joyful laughs, the melting ice creams. No one wants to forget the ‘good old days’, the funny memory, the wonderful friends, the beautiful sceneries. No one wants to forget the memories which have shaped them, which have made them smile. No one wants to forget the good. No One.

Maybe it’s just me, but I have this fear of forgetting my childhood, my school life, the dramas, things I’m sure I’ll want to remember when I’m older. This fear has to lead me to start a journal, where I write my thoughts, feelings experiences. I don’t write just because of the fear but it plays a big role. I don’t want to have no stories to tell when I’m older. I want to be filled with memories, photographs, words. So, once day I can spill them all out, and relive those treasured moments.

Is it just me? Does anyone have the fear that they’ll forget their previous experiences when they are grey and old? Or does everyone just live in the moment, and let the memories form independently. If you forget, you forget, right?

Not so easy for me. I write every so often, to capture my everyday life in words, so they can never be forgotten. Maybe it’s not just the fear, but the want to remember. Sometimes I think I’ll remember anyways but I WANT something to look back on. Doesn’t everyone have that scrapbook collecting dust, the journal sitting, waiting to be opened? Pens that have written a thousand words.

So, Do you write a journal? Am i the only one who has a fear of forgetting? Do you want to make memories, and then have them gone? Or have I gone completely crazy?


The Musings Of A Crazy Potato – an ‘attempt’ at an introduction.

For some reason, I’m really bad at intro posts – LIKE really bad. My fingers seems to rub out every word I write and even when I brain dump everything down, I seem to regret publishing because people might think I’m crazy.
So, should we begin the intro now? Most people BEGIN the post AT the beginning but I don’t know if I’m too late now.
Oh well, I’ll just have to start now, a little bit in to the post, but who cares? WHO TELLS PEOPLE WHEN TO START THE INTRODUCTION? LET’s start in the semi-middle.
Okay, definitely crazy.
So, the subject? ME. How wonderful?
Umm..hi, great to see you.

  • I am a potato and I like to write.
  • I don’t even know if I’m a writer because i haven’t even written a book
  • I seem to be having a writer life crisis about my life because WHAT IS A WRITER?
  • I like potatoes a lot
  • I am also known as QUEEN Mangold Beanato – that’s a long story
  • I change my handwriting quite a bit.
  • And I mean every second
  • I am struggling to keep this boring list going
  • I like cookies and chocolate
  • There is a water bottle next to me
  • I am bad at taking photos
  • I really like graphic designing
  • I have no idea what to write and planning to stop
  • Stop
  • Okay
  • Awkward

But, then again what IS an Introduction?
And If I’m crazy, are your normal?
But what is normal?
For we all have different definitions of words, different words that come to mind when we think of a word. see an image. hear a sound.
Different cultures and histories.
But if we are all different, that does not link us in a way that we are all the same?
The musings of a crazy potato.

*regrets and hovers mouse over publish button*

Will any of you actually see this post?

Probably not… Am I feeling brave today? Or crazy enough.