And Just Like That, InkCraft #2 Has Its Release

There isn’t much to say, really. The response was amazing. So many people participated, so many more than last time. And, well, we did it, guys. The second issue of our biannual (or not) magazine is now live and… whoa. Time flies.

I’m not going to say much. Thanks to everyone who entered, every supporter who ever walked this earth. My gratitude pours over you like a fountain, and my drama like a waterfall.

With no further exaggeration, I present…


… to the beautiful little creation we made together. And, if you like, you can also download the pdf version of the mag and, I don’t know, print it out? Read it online hassle-free? You choose.


Oh, and as I promised last time, it’s time to celebrate! And time for cake, there’s no forgetting cake. Here’s some for you, and you, and you!

Okay, I’m getting hungry now.

I hope you guys enjoy, and while they’re at it, I hope the authors of TWW will start planning on posting here. Because what’s the Writing Writers if we don’t write, eh?


InkCraft #2 Cover Design Winner// Release Date

Yep. Inactivity had taken over The Writing Writers who, being so many (19, to be exact), have decided to become the Not-Posting Writers. That includes me.


How about we not discuss that discouraging topic and get on with the post now?

Last month we did out little design poll, and now it’s time to reveal who won. Wait, before that, it’s time to reveal the designers.

Thank you so much, Mirra, Anya, Rebekah, Olivia and yours truly!

Now- you guessed it- it’s scrolling time!















































































haha i know people hate this

























This one’s going to have the honour of being slapped onto the cover of InkCraft’s second ever magazine! Say what now?

InkCraft #2 will be published on Joomag on February 1st, and a post will announce its release.

Who’s joining me to celebrate?

Wait. No. First, let’s go plan some posts and get TWW past its not-hiatus. Then we’ll go celebrate. There’ll be cake.


The OVERDUE InkCraft Design Poll

It’s been long since a post on TWW, and even longer since the last post about InkCraft. We’ve received a good lot of entries- thanks a bunch, everyone!- but unfortunately, I’ve become my usual procrastinating self. See, the whole point of a biannual magazine is that it be published twice a year. And it’s totally not helping that I’m posting the design poll one day before 2018.

So now what? We take super-quick action and get this done ASAP.

For those of you who are new to this polling process, here’s the last poll for reference. Basically, you’ll have to comment the design you like best below. It will be unapproved after replying so that no one gets influenced by others’ votes.

This time we had five designers and have six covers for you to choose from. I’m not going to talk too much, because this is overdue already, so here we go, guys!


Cover One


Cover Two


Cover Three


Cover Four


Cover Five


Cover Six


And that’s a wrap!

Be sure to vote for your favourite cover in the comments below! The deadline for your vote is January 10th 2018 and the deadline to enter your writing (form here) is tomorrow, January 1st.

Good luck to all the designers, and as for you, GO VOTE!


A Big Day in TWW History: InkCraft is Released to Public!

Hello to everyone stopping by!

Today is a big day in TWW history. The first issue of our magazine, InkCraft, has been made public! Let me rush by everything today, because I’m so excited to show you the outcome and I can only drag things so far. XD

Firstly, a big, fat THANK YOU to everyone! We couldn’t have come this far without you! Every deserving contributor, designer and voter has been acknowledged in the magazine. Continue reading “A Big Day in TWW History: InkCraft is Released to Public!”

Revealing the Winner of the InkCraft Design Poll

When the idea of InkCraft got publicised, I didn’t for a second even imagine this moment. Though I knew it’d come. And now we’ve come so far. I feel like running and tugging my hair and screaming and everything, but then I’d be openly termed an idiot, so… no thanks.

Welcome to the announcement of the winner of the InkCraft Design Poll, everybody! You may remember this post that had all the designs and instructions for voting and things, and I got a very neat response, 32 votes precisely, so thank you to all the voters out there!

I also want to take a moment to reveal the designers, Mahriya@ My Bookish Life, Mirra@ A Young Writer’s Dream, and… ah, me. 🙂 Thanks so much for your contributions, Mahriya and Mirra! Also, one more thank you to Mahriya for coming up with the tagline!

Time to reveal the winning cover.

Deep breaths. Cracking knuckles. Here we go.


May I present to you… design five!

ink craft six

A big thank you to all the designers and voters once again! The deadline for submitting entries for InkCraft is tomorrow, the tenth of July. If you’d like to send in last-minute entries, do hurry up! The page will be made inaccessible to the public once the deadline is crossed.

Until next time!


It’s Finally Time for the INKCRAFT DESIGN POLL!

*whoops from audience*

That’s right! After months of procrastination, I am finally here to announce that INKCRAFT’S DESIGN POLL IS NOW OFFICIALLY OPEN!

Before I show you the five designs that are going to be competing in this vote, here’s a chunk of info: All of these are NOT made by the same person. I’m not telling you who, or how many people made it. Let me just say… One person could have more than one design. For more variety, for more satisfaction… Whatever. I want you to judge fairly and choose from among the below designs the one you find most suited to be InkCraft’s cover. Continue reading “It’s Finally Time for the INKCRAFT DESIGN POLL!”

Introducing the TWW Design Kit// Update on the InkCraft Design Poll

You will not believe how excited I am right now.

May I introduce the TWW Design Kit, crafted especially for our amazing writers!

You heard that right. TWW is releasing a fully guided design kit for all of our members! Most of our writers juggle other blogs alongside this one, and so making super nice looking featured images for this blog can be somewhat… hard. Plus, we also have a pre-made signoff for every writer AND a handy-dandy divider, just in case you need it.

Along with that, we also have a pre-made signoff for every writer AND a handy-dandy divider, just in case you need it.

If that sounds… interesting… then read on for a tad bit of information.

Continue reading “Introducing the TWW Design Kit// Update on the InkCraft Design Poll”

An Update and an Apology

Hey, you needn’t point out the horrible quality of the featured image.

Hello, Mukta here, and I doubt that you knew I existed. Yep, I haven’t been active in TWW for quite a bit, so as a word of thanks to all the readers, I’d like you to know that I deeply appreciate you for choosing to stop by here once in a while. To all the writers, thank you so much for all your contribution! The blog has been coming by really well, if not extraordinarily well, and I’m so glad at all the amazing content we’re recieving!

Today, I’m not going to be posting about writing, but am going to tell you of some blog updates that may prove themselves useful.

Before that, I would like to apologize for the procrastination that’s been up. The TWW magazine, whose name has been set as InkCraft, is most likely to be released in the third or fourth week of June, and the poll for the design will be put up shortly before.

Now for some things you may find of more importance.

Change of Menu Format

You may have noticed the new layout of the Primary Menu in an attempt to make it easier to navigate through. This also involves the addition of certain rather necessary pages that you will further get notice of.

It consists of two essential features, For You and For TWW (The Writing Writers), under which the intended audience will find some handy pages. TWW members may not find all the for you features unhelpful, but if you are not a member of the team, I am sorry to say that you will not find any of the for TWW pages designed for your use.

New Pages

I am excited to introduce two new pages to increase the stability of TWW, Bio Submission and Admin Contact.

I have noticed many of our team looking for guidelines and a way to contact the admins, and so I have set up Admin Contact, in which you can express concerns, if any, that you may want the admins to know.

Since many of the writers also are looking for a way to submit custom bios which haven’t been taken from their blogs, Bio Submission will not fail to meet your purpose.


Here’s where you can help out.

To publish out magazine, we have three digital publishing options, Joomag, Issuu and Yumpu. They are all free, quality sites, and we will need help in coming to a decision on which to use. It’d do me a favor to take a look at the lot of them and tell me which one you find best.

And that is all for now. I hope to be back with some decent content, and until then, I bid you adieu.

~Mukta@ TWW

World Book Day and a Magazine Update

When I was younger, I used to feel a deep attachment to books.

It was somewhat perplexing, yet amusing, how the author found words that went perfectly with each other and strung them up so well. But I never thought that I would want to be an author.

Then as I grew, I knew that writing was for me. Suddenly, my world changed. Being a writer sounded like the best thing in the world, and I began to wonder why everyone didn’t want to be a person who can create a universe entirely of their own.

I think every writer has gone through such a phase sometime. But the truth is plain: Writers are readers, but readers aren’t necessarily writers.

This world book day, let all of us writers celebrate our love for reading. 

Today, I challenge you to pick an unread book from your bookstore, library or shelf and start reading it. Because without a start, there’s never an end.

I can’t believe I’m FINALLY starting with Narnia! Thank you for existing, World Book Day, so that I could start a new book and make it sound like a dramatic accident

Notice the new blog design?

The philosophy behind the change was that I thought altogether the blog should have a comfortable and relatively simplistic theme, so that content is more evidently considered, and the design should just be the backdrop, not interfering with the overall reading experience.
TWW also has a BUTTON now! Find it here.

A Magazine Update

Do any of you remember the magazine initiative TWW launched a while ago? Here is a little update on how things are going.

So far, so good. We have four entries and one in progress. But it seems as though entering seems to be a bit of a problem in the comments (thanks for pointing that out, Mahriya. 🙂 ), and so the process has been made a lot simpler. You can find a Submit Your Work page under out Magazine page on the navigation bar, but just because I’m very generous, you can find a link over here.

Right now, I’m still working on the mag name and design. Any ideas?? Hang on… what do you think of Inkcraft?

Comment down below if you have any suggestions. IT REALLY WILL HELP ME BECAUSE I’M IN A PICKLE RIGHT NOW.

Idioms are awesome.


Presenting… The Writing Writers Magazine!

Authoring The Writing Writers has been so far a smooth journey, and we’re getting a positive response from all our writers AND our readers. Whatever your role is you are, you deserve a free bar of chocolate huge round of applause! *cheers*

Screenshot (2)
Whooaaaaa. And we started it, like, THIS MONTH?????

And now, in honor of you, we have started The Writing Writers Magazine, featuring YOUR writing!

Interested? Check the details on our Magazine page and drop a comment linking your work. The online mag will be published twice every year. Yep, it’s quite seldom. We have this blog to manage as well, you know.

We would appreciate it if you promoted this initiative on your blog or spread the word by commenting on other blogs.

Will YOU help us make this a success by entering your work? Submissions are officially open!


P.S: I know some of you who signed up to join this blog are still not added. I’m sorry for the delay, but hopefully you’ll be added soon. Heh heh.